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Environment Variables

Environment Variables

Most of these variables can be set in the configuration file data/global/botpress.config.json.

Infrastructure configuration (such as the database, cluster mode, etc.) isn't available in the configuration file, since it'ss required before the config is loaded.

Botpress supports .env files, so you don't have to set them every time you start the app. Save the file in the same folder as the executable.

Common Variables

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault
PORTSets the port that Botpress will listen to.3000
BP_HOSTThe host to check for incoming connections.localhost
EXTERNAL_URLThis is the external URL that users type in the address bar to talk with the bot.http://HOST:PORT
DATABASE_URLFull connection string to connect to the DB. For Postgres, start with postgres://.-
BP_PRODUCTIONSets Botpress in production mode. This has the same effect as starting it with -p.false
BPFS_STORAGEStorage destination used by BPFS to read and write files (global and bots).disk
PRO_ENABLEDEnables the pro version of Botpress, the license key will be required.false
BP_LICENSE_KEYYour license key (can also be specified in botpress.config.json).-
CLUSTER_ENABLEDEnables multi-node support using Redis.false
REDIS_URLThe connection string to connect to your Redis instance.-
AUTO_MIGRATEAutomatically migrates bots up to the running Botpress version.-
DEBUGNamespaces to debug.-

Runtime and Modules

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault
VERBOSITY_LEVELBotpress will be more chatty when processing requests. This has the same effects as -v.
BP_DECISION_MIN_CONFIENCESets the minimum threshold required for the Decision Engine to elect a suggestion.0.5
FAST_TEXT_VERBOSITYDefine the level of verbosity that FastText will use when training models.0
FAST_TEXT_CLEANUP_MSThe model will be kept in memory until it receives no messages to process for that duration.60000
REVERSE_PROXYWhen enabled, it uses "x-forwarded-for" to fetch the user IP instead of remoteAddress.false

It is also possible to use environment variables to override module configuration. The pattern is BP_MODULE_%MODULE_NAME%_%OPTION_PATH%, all in upper case. For example, to define the languageSources option of the module nlu, you would use BP_MODULE_NLU_LANGUAGESOURCES.


You can list the available environment variables for each module by enabling the DEBUG=bp:configuration:modules:* flag.