You want to use Botpress to create the best chatbot ever? Then, take a look at the list below to know what the minimum (and sometimes maximum) hardware and software specification you need.
Supported Browsers
You can use your favorite browser. Remember that if you encounter a problem, you can contact us!
Mimimum Hardware Requirements
- CPU: 1
- RAM: 2GB
- Optimal: 40 messages/second
- Maximum: 60 messages/second
PostgreSQL (database)
- CPU: 2
- RAM: 4 GB
- Minimum: 60 messages/second
- Maximum: 600-800 messages/second
The volume of messages contained in a single session is highly variable. It depends mainly on the targeted product, the domain, and the customers. See the following examples:
Simple Q&A Bot:
- Example: Covid-19 information Bot
- #msg/session: 4-5 msgs/session
Complex contextual Bot:
- Example: Customer service Bot:
- #msg/session: 10-20 msgs/session
Special Cases (Persistent Sessions):
- Example: Classroom bot with persistent session
- #msg/session: 1000-5000 msgs/session
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows 10
- Mac OS catalina or BigSur
- Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04
- Debian 8.11
- Red Hat 7.5
- CentOS 7.5
Infrastructure Best Practices
- Use at least 2 environments (development, staging, production…) to minimalize the impact on the end-user experience.
- Create backups and continue maintenance of all components (especially the databases and storage components to mitigate and prevent data loss).
- Gradually execute maintenance and upgrades to ensure the system safety and its accuracy before exposing it to users (A/B, Canary deployments). For simpler implementations, predefine time ranges with low or null usage for the components maintenance. Don't forget to warn your users!
- Allocate the least privileges and accesses possible. This ensures the environment security, prevents breaches, and preserves the data integrity.