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SSO with GitHub OAuth2

Step 1 - Create OAuth2 App

  1. Go on GitHub's OAuth application registration page.
  2. Choose an application name.
  3. Set the Homepage URL to either your organization's website or your Botpress instance's external URL.
  4. For the Authorization callback URL, set the following value:

https://<Your external Botpress HTTPS URL>/api/v1/auth/login-callback/oauth2/<Your strategy name>


You may choose any url safe name as your strategy name.

Step 2 - Create Credentials

  1. In your application's configuration page, copy the Client ID.
  2. Click on generate a new client secret and copy the generated value as well for the next step.

Step 3 - Configure Botpress

  1. In your Botpress instance, navigate to the Code Editor.
  2. add a new entry within authStrategies in the botpress.config.json file.
  3. Name the strategy whatever you want (keep the name URL safe).
  4. fill in the entry in the following way:
"<your strategy name>": {
"type": "oauth2",
"allowSelfSignup": false,
"options": {
"authorizationURL": "",
"tokenURL": "",
"clientSecret": "<Generated secret from GitHub>",
"clientID": "<Client ID from GitHub>",
"callbackURL": "https://<Your external Botpress HTTPS URL>/api/v1/auth/login-callback/oauth2/<Your strategy name>",
"userInfoURL": "",
"scope": "user:email"
"fieldMapping": {
"email": "email"

Step 4 - Enable the Strategy in Botpress

Under the Pro settings in the botpress.config.json file, add your strategy name to the collaboratorsAuthStrategies array.

Also make sure that the externalAuth object has enabled set to true:

Step 5 - Restart the Botpress Server

A green cogwheel should appear in the bottom right of the Botpress UI, click it to restart the server.