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Production Checklist

This enterprise feature helps you visualize what you need to do before going to production. It lists all the important steps to do:

Best Practice

Once your server is correctly setup, we recommend disabling this page by setting the environment variable BP_DISABLE_SERVER_CONFIG to true.

Enable Botpress Professional

The section about enterprise licensing shows you how to obtain, add, and activate your license. Remember that the Botpress Professional version comes with a lot of enterprise-specific features.

Environment variables:


Values in the botpress.config.json file:

  • pro.enabled
  • pro.licenseKey

Use a Postgre database

You should use a Postgres database instead of a SQlite database. Postgres is more resilient and allows to run Botpress in cluster mode (using multiple servers).

Environment variable:


Use the database BPFS storage

When you set this option, all your bots and configuration files are stored in the database. Only those can be edited while making changes using the interface. Multiple servers can then synchronously access the same latest data.

Environment variable:


Run Botpress in production mode

When you run Botpress in production, these changes happen:

  • Stack traces when error occurs are hidden.
  • Debug logs and logging of standard errors to optimize speed are hidden.
  • Some validations for speed are optimized.
  • Using multiple servers (cluster mode) is enabled.

Environment variable:


Configure the external server URL

Using an external server URL may cause multiple issues in production, like resources not displaying correctly or links not working.


Environment variable:


Value in the botpress.config.json file:

  • httpServer.externalUrl

Enable Redis support

Redis allows you to run multiple Botpress servers using the same data. Only REDIS_URL and CLUSTER_ENABLED are required. Simply use the same URL for Redis and set the BP_REDIS_SCOPE environment variable to prod on your production environment and staging on your staging environment.

Environment variables:


Restrict CORS to your own domain

You can either disable CORS completely (set to false), or set an allowed origin.


By default, Botpress allows any origin to reach the server.

Values in the botpress.config.json file:

  • httpServer.cors.enabled
  • httpServer.cors.origin

Storing the token in cookies adds an additional layer of security for the user's session.


You must configure the CORS policy before.

Values in the botpress.config.json file:

  • jwtToken.useCookieStorage
  • jwtToken.cookieOptions
  • httpServer.cors.credentials

Host your own language server

The default language server configured with Botpress is a public server with request limitations.

Value in the botpress.config.json file:

  • nlu.json: languageSources

Securing your server with HTTPS

Botpress doesn't handle certificates and HTTPS headers directly. You should instead use a NGINX server.

Enable audit trail

You should enable a special debug scope. It tracks every sent requests with their user or IP address and save them to a log file.

Enable Sticky Sessions

When using polling as a primary or secondary socket transport, you must enable sticky sessions. If you decide to use Websocket as the only transport, you don't need to enable sticky sessions.

See this documentation for more details:

Value in the botpress.config.json file:

  • httpServer.socketTransport

Output logs to the filesystem

By default, Botpress does some minimal logging to the database.

Best Practice

You should enable the log output on the file system.

Value in the botpress.config.json file:

  • logs.fileOutput.enabled

Change Botpress base path

By default, all requests are handled at the top level of the external URL. You can change that path (for example to use http://localhost:3000/botpress) by updating your server's EXTERNAL_URL and adding the suffix at the end.

Create custom roles and review permissions

There is a default set of role and permissions when you create a workspace.

Best Practice

You should review and update them.

Enable other authentication mechanism

The default authentication method is the basic one.


We currently support LDAP, SAML, and OAuth2.

Configure your Reverse Proxy and Load Balancing

Check the documentation for more information

Generate a diagnostic report

This tool will generate a report (diagnostic.txt) after testing the connectivity to various components and ensuring that proper folders are writable. It will also include the configuration files.


Passwords and secrets will be obfuscated.